Our logistics company does not accept P.O.Box addresses
Because it is easy to lose the package, which of course neither of us would like to see.So please use the detailed address

14-day money-back guarantee
1.100% Money Back Guarantee, Return Policy is 14 days . Purchases made online can be returned online or in stores for free.
2.Register your return online or contact our client service. Register your returns online by connecting to your ONLYESTGROUP account
3.Items purchased with PayPal can be returned online or exchanged at a self-supporting store
 (Business days: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

Always a pre-production sample before mass production;
Always final Inspection before shipment.

ONLYEST GROUP - a leading manufacturer and exporter of the PROTECTION & HYGIENIC products in China.
High quality products, reliable,affordable, fast delivery.
Trade Assurance.Gold Supplier.Good service.

Order-Factory labeling-Factory delivery-Quality inspection-Shipping - Track your orders

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